Sunday, June 6, 2010

Joey Krillz says, “yo is that your wheel?”

My friend, Joey Krillz, from Brooklyn caught this stupid bike wheel thief on his neighborhood. It reminds of me "Don't steal bikes bro" by Victor.
It is very funny, but we never let them go man. They are bad people. They are worse than us. I mean, we are good people. : ) haha.

ブルックリン出身でずっとメッセンジャーやっていて、THE GRIMEの親玉であるジョイがホイール泥棒をカメラで追っていった瞬間。それを見たとき、ちょっと前に出てたVictorの"Don't steal bikes bro"を思い出させてくれました。自転車泥棒をビデオカメラで撮るってのが流行になったら、ちょっと面白いかも☆


Bike Thief vs Street Justice from triple on Vimeo.